Meet the Ambassadors
The Arts Ambassadors are student volunteers who work with the Office of the Arts to plan, promote, and lead arts events and outings for Hunter students. Ambassadors are dedicated to building a flourishing arts community at Hunter.
2023-2024 Arts Ambassadors

2022 – 2023 Arts Ambassadors

Fall 2022 Arts Ambassadors also included: Amireh Rezaei-Kamalabad, Naomi Rodriguez, Nayesha Krishna, and Noelle Salaun
Past Ambassadors
Alexis Fisher
Angelina Medina
Blair Pincus
Brittany Worko
Cailynn Fortune
Dylan Radcliffe
Elizabeth Jankovic
Hunter McIlvain
Karen Yamaguchi
Kelsey Damier
Macy Rajacich
Mia Carranza
Miro DeLuca
Nadia Rahman
Naomi Rodriguez
Natalie Ward
Noelle Salaun
Ruth Montoya
Shanizea Husain
Sumaita Hasan
Suriya Islam
Tess Bergman
Tiffany Leon
Viky Lewis
Wiktoria Jaworska
Willow Macol
Wim Sadmojo
Alexis Fisher
Annabel Donovan
Ariel Chan
Cailynn Fortune
Denise Penizzotto
Dina Vukel
Earnie Polanco
Gillian Ochoa
Isabelle Montesinos
Macy Rajacich
Melina Chin
Michael Furio
Moesha Muschett
Munira Choudhury
Natalie Ward
Ruth Montoya
Sarah Shea
Sofia Bolido
Talisa Velazquez
Tara Ohanian
Teresa Sadowska
Theresa Vu
Tyrese Spruill
Wim Sadmojo
Alexis Fisher
Amireh Rezaei-Kamalabad
Claudia Mallea
Denise Penizzotto
Earnie Polanco
Gabrielle Goubran
Gillian Ochoa
Isabelle Montesinos
Jenny Shin
Jessica Sun
Livia Horn-Scarpulla
Macy Rajacich
Madison Ritter
Michael Furio
Michelle Chen
Munira Choudhury
Patricia Marte
Phuong Vo
Sabrina Song
Sharon Young
Teresa Sadowska
Theresa Vu
Apneet Kaur
Bethany Cassamayor
Gabrielle Goubran
Gillian Ochoa
Isabelle Montesinos
Jessica Sun
Lisa Chin
Madison Ritter
Patsy Detroit
Phuong Vo
Sabrina Song
Sharon Young
Theresa Vu
Zsofia Kozma

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